It can be all too easy to rush through life without taking time to stop and notice your surroundings.  Paying more attention to the present moment, thoughts and feelings can significantly improve your emotional and physical well-being and help you become more grounded and relaxed on a daily basis. Actively doing this constitutes as being more mindful and with mental health awareness being significantly less of a taboo subject compared to a few decades ago, acting on being mindful is becoming more popular.

Whilst in this day and age time may be too short to take a weekly spa trip or meditate daily, taking a break to focus on yourself and what makes you happy may be exactly what you need to re-energise you back to being your most productive self.

These tips are our observations on ways that our customers unwind and enjoy themselves as part of a relaxing trip to the Cotswolds.


What are the benefits of being mindful?

Being mindful can improve both your mental and physical health in a number of ways – it is considered a key element in fighting stress When we become more aware of the present moment, we can enjoy more of what’s around us as well as understand ourselves better.

Awareness of ourselves in the present can also help us notice any signs of stress, anxiety or depression which many of us will experience from time to time in our lives without even necessarily knowing. However, please do note that we are by no means doctors, and if you are struggling with mental health then we recommend visiting your GP for medical advice.


How Can You Be More Mindful This Year?

Whilst the subject will be very personal to the kind of person you are, what you enjoy doing and what your activity levels are, we’ve accumulated a list of ways you can take a short break and help you de-stress from your day to day life.


Walking and Hiking

Detach from your phone, emails and drama and get out to explore nature and take in the fresh country air. When exposing yourself to a good amount of sunlight, you will be getting that all-important influx of vitamin D as well as some good exercise for your physical health.

It is well known that exercise releases endorphins into your body triggering a positive feeling. If you have a deadline coming up or a decision to make, this is usually a good time to clear your head so you can come back with a fresh mind ready to make those all important decisions.

If you’re in the Cotswolds, we highly recommend walking all or part of the Cotswolds Way offering views to some of the Cotswolds best scenery, historic monuments and picturesque villages.


Visit the Spa

Another tip for helping yourself become more mindful is to learn how to deeply relax and connect with your inner self.  One way to achieve this state of calm is to tackle where you hold tension.  We’ve spoken about how exercise can achieve this, another way is to head off for that all-important spa break.  Here’s what our visiting spa service partners, My Personal Sanctuary, have to say about how massage can aid mindfulness.

“If you’ve ever experienced a truly relaxing massage, you’ve probably found yourself unwinding, nodding off and then waking up with a twitch or jolt.  After which you hope your therapist hasn’t noticed!  In all honesty, if your therapists have noticed, they’re most probably smiling to themselves because this is a real compliment and means you’ve really switched off allowing your body to enjoy the real benefits of massage therapy.  When you go into an almost meditative state, your mind and body can rest and recuperate.

A key part of the My Personal Sanctuary massage service is to deliver treatments in silence.  The reason being is that this allows your body and mind to fully switch off so that you can enjoy your treatment safe in the knowledge that your needs have been discussed before your therapist starts.  Of course, our therapists gently check that the pressure is okay and guide you through the treatment, however, unless our clients wish to, our therapists don’t encourage discussion.  We believe that this quiet time instigates the space required for your mind to focus on the body and breathing, hence creating a mindful state.

Massage therapies stimulate the production of natural painkillers and relaxants, which in turn stimulates blood flow taking energy, oxygen and nutrients around the body.  The effect of which is to reduce stress levels, calm nerves and reduce pain levels.  We find that those who chose to arrange their massage in the comfort of their surroundings, be it home or whilst on holiday, can achieve this relaxed state more easily because the beauty of the service is that our therapists come to you… there’s no need to jump in the car afterwards, instead you can rest or even sleep if you wish to! Bliss!”

Many of our properties at the Cotswolds Water Park come with access to the spa on site and you can, of course, receive a treatment from My Personal Sanctuary in the comfort of your own lodge. Take a look here to see our luxury spa break cottages:


Take time to practice your hobby

Cotswolds is packed with venues, facilities and natural places to allow you to practice almost any hobby of yours whether that’s cooking, crafting, fishing, hiking or just relaxing.

Many visitors check into our lakeside lodges for a fishing break to help them unwind and relax whilst enjoying what the Cotswolds has to offer and hopefully catch a bite or two. This peaceful hobby not only offers a chance to build on a specific skill set that you enjoy but also sends you into a new environment where you can enjoy the surroundings.

On the other end of the scale, many like to broaden their horizons and kick-start their break with a bit of adrenaline to fully detach their minds from day to day life and focus on pure adventure. Let your mind sway far away from the stress of life and take to the lake where you only worry is your balance! Get your wetsuits on for a day packed full with adrenaline-inducing watersports at the lakeside brassier.

If your hobby is more niche or you are looking to learn a new skill such as cooking, or crafts, then there are usually a whole host of classes available during all seasons in the Cotswolds.


Be more mindful this year with a trip to the Cotswolds

Located in the heart of the Cotswolds, we are surrounded by different events, venues and serenity to allow you to fully enjoy what the Cotswolds has to offer.

If you’d like to escape from your day to day life and focus on being more mindful this year, then search for holiday accommodation on our website here or give a member of our team a call on 01285 861839 to have a chat.

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